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5 Ways to Utilize Evergreen Content During COVID-19

In this time of the coronavirus pandemic, news cycles are changing rapidly, information is being updated frequently, and talking points evolve as new data is released. For many social media managers in the non-profit and advocacy space, this can mean having to pay extra attention to the articles and content that is queued up, ready to edit as needed. While millions of Americans are cooped up indoors and looking for ways to stay involved, social media traffic is seeing a massive increase; this is an opportune time to amp up your social media output and increase engagement.

A great way to do that? Evergreen content.

Evergreen content is any content — be it an article, infographic, or blog post — that stays relevant beyond its publication date. Now more than perhaps ever, evergreen content has become a social media manager’s best friend — it’s content that you can queue up days in advance that will remain relevant and of interest to your audience. Having a stockpile of evergreen content ensures you will have relevant, sharable content at the ready when you need it.

How can your organization utilize evergreen content during this pandemic? Here are a few ideas to help you jump-start your evergreen content creation:

1. Reshare old posts or articles

To start, it can be a good idea to look through what your organization has already created and published. Reshare your organization’s previously published articles or content and, in the share language, draw out the connection to the current pandemic. Previously published content can take on a whole new meaning and relevance in this unprecedented era.

2. Educational/resource-based content

Can your organization provide a service or information that your audience might find useful? If so, now is the time to provide it. If you’re posting for a union, this could mean sharing evergreen materials on how to form a union, or info on agitating for paid sick leave in the workplace. If you’re an economic justice organization, this could mean providing resources for workers experiencing unemployment. These are likely to be materials or resources your team already has on hand. Sharing content that is educational or resource-based, and specific to your organization's mission is always appropriate and needed — especially during this time.

3. Historical content

While COVID-19 mandates that social media managers stay up-to-date on the latest breaking information, historical content can also make for relevant, sharable social media content. This doesn’t have to mean posting about a historical event from 100 years ago — it could mean posting about an event that happened just five years ago that created or reinforced struggles as we’re facing today. For progressive organizations, there’s almost always a way to relate a historical event, or a lesson learned from a historical event, to your organization’s messaging in a way that is both relevant and reflective of the past. A lot can be learned from looking back at what we’ve overcome.

4. Feel-good content

This crisis has been tough and, for many, their social media newsfeed is being bogged down by heavy, COVID-related content. Uplifting, feel-good content can be a pleasant change in pace for the reader, and it can reinforce your organizational values. This content can take the form of an empowering quote from your Executive Director, CEO, or a staff member; content uplifting recent wins of your members or volunteers; a top-10 listicle (“Top 10 reasons to join a union”); or something as simple as an appreciation post for your supporters and followers. This is content your audience can, and will, share again and again.

5. Personal stories

What are the experiences of your members, volunteers, supporters, or audience members? Checking in with your audience is always a good way to demonstrate genuine care for your supporters. Your organization’s value is based on the collective power of unique members, their stories, and their experiences. Have you checked in with your audience or members on social media? This can be as simple as asking a question in the post copy, or reaching out to a commenter on one of your previous posts to hear more about what’s going on in their world. Sharing member and supporter stories is a way to present a real perspective that reinforces your organization's values and messaging. Content from real supporters and beneficiaries of your work will always be relatable and shareable, even after the height of the COVID crisis.

In this time of rapidly changing news cycles, shifting content priorities, and unparalleled worldwide uncertainty, evergreen content remains reliable and useful content to share that will not only increase engagement, but also reinforce your organizational message and values.


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